Winter feed barley
- Earlier single-ear-type with excellent and stable yield potential
- Robust, compensation type, with good lodging tolerance and healthiness
- High winterhardiness
- Wide ecological adaptability: growing suitable on all soils
- Wide range of sowing time
- No special requirements regarding sowing density (location adapted)
- Good to follow winter wheat in crop rotations (like in 80% in praxis)
- Targeted observation of especially Rhynchosporium and focused fungicide strategy
---- = very low resistance/early/short, ++++ = very high resistance/late/long
- - - - | - - - | - - | - | 0 | + | + + | + + + | + + + + |
General description
- - - - | - - - | - - | - | 0 | + | + + | + + + | + + + + |
---- = very low resistance/early/short, ++++ = very high resistance/late/long
W. v. Borries-Eckendorf GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
All variety descriptions have been prepared in accordance to the best of our knowledge, considering trial results and observations. A guarantee or a liability in individual cases is not possible, because the growth conditions are subject to substantial fluctuations.